Freightliner Service Repair Manuals. Fault Codes

Download the manual for the repair and maintenance of trucks FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA / CENTURY CLASS S / T for free since 2000

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Seats and seat belts

Steering and brake system

Engine and clutch


Rear axles

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Actions in an emergency

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Fault Codes


Fault Codes (FMI)

FMI Description Text Message

00 Above HIGH

01 Below Low

02 Erratic Floating or Wrong Signal

03 Abnormal voltage or short circuit in the supply Short Hi

04 Voltage below normal or short to ground Short Lo

05 Current below normal or open OPEN

06 Current above normal or short to ground Short

07 The mechanical system does not respond correctly NoRESPONSE

08 Unusual Frequency, Pulse Length, or SIGNAL Period

09 Unusual UPDATE Update Frequency

10 Unusual Speed Change Rate

11 Error is not clear Not Known

12 The block itself does not work properly. Bad

13 Calibrate Incorrectly Calibrated

14 Special RSRVD Instructions

15 Reserved RSRVD

Component Codes (MID)

MID Description Old Text Message New Text Message *

128 Engine # 1 ENGINE ENG

130 automatic transmission - † Trans

136 Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) TRCTR BRK Brake

140 Panel Left INSTRCLST Instr

142 Panel Right # 1 INSTRCLST MGMT

172 Diagnostic System DIAGNOSTC DIAG


181 Satellite System COMM SAT Satl

190 ACPU A / C air conditioning

219 Radar VORAD Radar

231 Cellular Communications System COMM CELL Phone

234 Panel, Right # 2 INSTRCLST Instr

Parameter Codes (PIDs) 51 - 63

51 Position of the Gas Pedal THROTTLE POS Throttle Pos

52 Temperature Intercooler INTERCLR TEMP Intercool TEMP

53 SYNCRO CLUTCH Synchro Clutch Clutch

54 SYNCRO BRAKE Synchro Brake

55 Position of the Control Finger Gearbox SHFT FNGR POS Shift FNGR Pos


57 Status Activator # 2 PPC ACTTRSTATUS # 2 Actuator # 2

58 Status of the Control Gear Pinion SHFT FNGR ACT Shift FNGR Act

59 Status of the Control Pin Motor SHFT FNGR GEAR Shift FNGR Gear

60 Position Linkage Gearbox SHFT FNGR RAIL Shift FNGR Rail

61 Status of the Parking Brake Activator PRKBRKACTUATOR Park Brake Act

62 Engine Brake Status RETARDRINHIBIT RetardrInhibit

63 Status Activator # 1 PPC ACT STATUS # 1 Actuator # 1

Parameter Codes (PID) 64 - 97

64 Directional Switch Status DIRCTNSWCHSTAT Dir Switch


Parameter Codes (PID) 64 - 97

65 Brake Switch Status SVCBRK SW STAT Serv Brake Sw

66 Vehicle Enabling Component Status VEHENABLCMPTST Veh ENABLING

67 Status Gear Connection Switch SHFT RQST SWCH Shift RQST Switch

68 Torque Limit Factor TRQ LIMIT FCTR TORQ LimitFctr

69 2-Axis Switch Status 2SPEEDAXLSWTCH 2 SPEEDAxl Sw

70 Parking Brake Switch PARKBRK SWITCH Park Brake Sw

71 Status Idle Timer IDLESHUTDWNTMR IdleShutdwnTmr

72 Air Valve Position in BLOWRBYPASSPOS Blowr BYPASVal Air Conditioner

73 Aux Pump Pressure AUXWATRPMPPRSS Aux PUMP Press


75 Front Axle Oil Temperature STRNGAXLTEMP Str. Axle TEMP

76 Axle Lift Pressure AXLLIFTAIRPRES Axle Lift Pres

77 Medium Axis Oil Temperature FWDRRDRVAXLTMP FR DrvAxl TEMP

78 Rear Axle Oil Temperature RRRRDRVAXLTEMP RR DrvAxl TEMP

79 Roads Coating Temperature ROAD SRFC TEMP Road Surf TEMP

80 Washer Fluid Level WASHRFLUIDLEVL Washer Level

81 PARTTRAPINLPRS PartTRAP Press Particle Trap Pressure

82 Pressure Pneumatic Starter System AIRSTARTPRESS Air Start Pres



85 Cruise Switch CRUISECNTRLST Cruise Status

86 Cruise Switch “Set Speed” CRUISE SET Cruise Set

87 Cruise Switch “High — Set” CRUISE HI SET Cruise Hi Set

88 Low — Set Cruise Switch CRUISE LO SET Cruise Lo Set

89 PTO Power Take Off Status STATUS PTO Status

90 Oil Temperature PTO OIL TEMP PTO Oil PTO Oil TEMP

91 Position of the Gas Pedal (Percentage Full Speed) ACCEL PDL POS% Throttle Pedal

92 Percent Engine Load ENG LOAD%% ENG LOAD


94 Fuel Supply Pressure FUEL DLVR PRSS Fuel DlvrPress

95 Pressure Difference through Fuel Filter FUEL FILTER Fuel Filter

96 Fuel Level FUEL LEVEL Fuel Level

97 Fuel Water Indicator WATER IN FUEL Water In Fuel

Parameter Codes (PIDs) 98 - 127

98 Engine Oil Level OIL LEVEL Oil Level

99 Pressure Difference through Oil Filter OIL FLTR PRES Oil Fltr Pres

100 Engine Oil Pressure OIL PRESSURE Oil Pressure

101 Crankcase Pressure CRANKCASE PRES CrankcasePress

102 Pressure Added By BOOST PRESSR Boost Press Turbocharger

103 Speed Turbocharger TURBO SPEED Turbo SPEED

104 Oil Pressure in a Turbocharger TURBO OIL PRES TurboOilPress

105 Manifold Pressure INTKMNFLDTEMP IntakeAir TEMP

106 Air Pressure Into Filter AIR INLET PRSS AirInlet Press

107 Pressure Difference through Air Filter AIR FILTER Air Filter

108 Barometric Pressure BAROM PRESSURE Baro Press

109 Coolant Pressure COOLNT PRESSR Coolant Press

110 Coolant Temperature ENGCOOLANTTEMP Coolant TEMP

111 Coolant Level COOLANT LEVEL Coolant Level

112 Pressure Difference through Antifreeze Filter CLNTFLTRDIFPRS CoolFltDiffPrs

113 Range Compressor Regulator GOVERNOR DROOP Governor DROOP

114 Battery Kit Current (amps) NET BATT CURR Battery AMPS

115 Generator Current (Amps) ALTERNATORAMPS Alternator AMPS

116 Operating Brake Pressure BRK APPL PRESS APPLI Press

117 Pressure of the 1st Receiver BRK PRIM PRESS Primary Press

118 Pressure 2nd Receiver BRK SEC PRESSR Sec. Press

119 Hydraulic Retarder Pressure HYD RTDR PRESS Retarder Press

120 Hydraulic Retarder Oil Temperature HYDRRTDROILTMP Retdr Oil TEMP

121 Engine Brake Status ENGRTDRSTATUS Retardr Status

122 Engine Brake Percent ENG RETARDER%% Retarder

123 Clutch Pressure CLUTCH PRESSR Clutch Press

124 Gearbox OIL LEVEL Oil Level

125 Oil Level Gauge at TRANSOIL HI / LO Oil Level Gearbox

126 Pressure Difference through Oil Filter at the FILTER PRESSUR FilterDifPress Gearbox

127 Gearbox Oil Pressure OIL PRESSURE Oil Pressure

Parameter Codes (PIDs) 154 - 183

154 Auxiliary Input / Output # 2 AUX INP / OUTP # 2 Aux Status. In / Out # 2


Parameter Codes (PIDs) 154 - 183

155 Auxiliary Input / Output Status # 1 AUX IN / OUT # 1 Aux. In / Out # 1

156 Total Pressure Injector Distribution System AUX IN / OUT # 1 Inj Time Press

157 General Pressure Injection System INJ METR RLPRS Inj Metr Press

158 Switched Battery Voltage BATTVLTGSWTCHD Volts (BattSw)

159 Gas Supply Pressure (not diesel) GAS SUPLY PRS Gas Press

160 Secondary Shaft Speed MAINSHAFTSPEED MainShaftSPEED

161 Input Shaft Speed INPUTSHAFT SPD In Shaft SPEED

162 Position Range Selector RANGE SELECTED RANGE Selected

163 Range position RANGE ATTAINED RANGE Attained gearbox

164 Injection Pressure Control INJ CTRL PRESR Inj Ctrl Press


166 Engine Power Rating RATED ENG PWR Rated Power

167 Generator Voltage VOLTS (ALT) Volts (Alt)

168 Battery Voltage VOLTS (BATT) Volts (Batt)


170 Inside Cab Temperature CAB INT TEMP CAB TEMP

171 Outdoor Temperature AMB AIR TEMP Outside TEMP

172 Manifold Temperature AIR INLET TEMP Air Inlet TEMP

173 Exhaust Gas Temperature EXH GAS TEMP Exh Gas TEMP

174 Fuel Temperature FUEL TEMP Fuel TEMP

175 Engine Oil Temperature ENG OIL TEMP Oil TEMP

176 Oil Temperature in a Turbocharger TURBO OIL TEMP Turbo Oil TEMP

177 Oil Temperature at TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP

178 Front Axle Load FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt.

179 Rear Axle Load REAR AXLE WT Rear Axle Wt.

180 Weight TRAILER WEIGHT Trailer WEIGHT Trailer


182 Fuel Quantity per Trip TRIP FUEL TRIP Fuel

183 Fuel Consumption FUEL RATE Fuel Rate

Parameter Codes (PID) 184 - 253

184 Instant Fuel Consumption INST FUEL ECON Inst Fuel Econ

185 Average Fuel Consumption AVG FUEL ECON AVG. Fuel econ


Parameter Codes (PID) 184 - 253



188 Idling Speed IDLE ENG SPEED Idle ENG SPEED

189 Engine Speed Rating RATED ENG SPD Rated SPEED



232 Hotfix DGPS DGPS DIF CRCTN DGPS Correctn

233 Factory Code POWER UNIT # - †

234 SOFTWARE ID Software ID Software Version

235 Total Idle Watches TOTL IDLE HRS Total Idle Hrs

236 Total Idle Fuel TOTL IDLE FUEL Totl Idle Fuel


238 Direction of Velosity VELOCITYVECTOR VelocityVector

239 Vehicle Position (GPS) VEHICLE POS Veh. Position

240 Factory Code CHG REF # CHANGE Ref #

241 Tire Pressure TIRE PRESSURE Tire Pressure

242 Wheel Temperature TIRE TEMP Tire TEMP

243 Component Identification COMPONENT ID COMPONENT ID

244 Mileage Rides TRIP DISTANCE TRIP Distance

245 TOTAL VEH DIST Total Veh Dist Mileage

246 TOTAL VEH HRS Total Operating Hrs.

247 Engine Operating Hours TOTAL ENG HRS Total ENG Hrs.

248 Total Operating Hours of the Power Take-Off Box TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs.

249 Engine Speed Summary TOTAL ENG REVS Total ENG Revs

250 Total Burning Fuels TOTAL FUELUSED Total FUELUsed

251 Watches CLOCK Clock

252 Date DATE Date


MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 1 - 32

1 Injector # 1 CYL # 1 INJECTR Cyl # 1 Injectr

2 Injector # 2 CYL # 2 INJECTR Cyl # 2 Injectr

3 Injector # 3 CYL # 3 INJECTR Cyl # 3 Injectr


MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 1 - 32

4 Injector # 4 CYL # 4 INJECTR Cyl # 4 Injectr

5 Injector # 5 CYL # 5 INJECTR Cyl # 5 Injectr

6 Injector # 6 CYL # 6 INJECTR Cyl # 6 Injectr

7 Injector # 7 CYL # 7 INJECTR Cyl # 7 Injectr

8 Injector # 8 CYL # 8 INJECTR Cyl # 8 Injectr

9 Injector # 9 CYL # 9 INJECTR Cyl # 9 Injectr

10 Cylinder Nozzle # 10 CYL 10 INJECTR Cyl 10 Injectr

11 Injector # 11 CYL 11 INJECTR Cyl 11 Injectr

12 Cylinder Nozzle # 12 CYL 12 INJECTR Cyl 12 Injectr

13 Injector # 13 CYL 13 INJECTR Cyl 13 Injectr

14 Injector # 14 CYL 14 INJECTR Cyl 14 Injectr

15 Injector # 15 CYL 15 INJECTR Cyl 15 Injectr

16 Injector # 16 CYL 16 INJECTR Cyl 16 Injectr

17 Main Fuel Shutoff Valve FUEL SHUTOFF Fuel Shutoff

18 FUEL CONTROL Fuel Control Fuel Control Valve

19 Accelerator Bypass Valve THROTTLE BYPAS ThrottleBYPASS

20 Mechanism Managing Distribution by TIMINGACTUATOR TIMINGActuator

21 Crankshaft Position Sensor ENG POS SENSOR PositionSensor

22 Sensor Distribution Vala TIMING SENSOR TIMING Sensor

23 RACK ACTUATOR Rack Actuator Fuel Plate Mechanism

24 Fuel Plate Position Sensor RACKPOS SENSOR Rack Pos Sens

25 Signal System Protecting Engine EXT ENG PROTCT ExtENG Protect

26 AuxOUTDRIVER1 AuxOut Driver # 1 AUXOUTDRIVER1 Driver

27 Control Mechanism # 1 Turbocharger TURBO ACTUATR1 Turbo Actuator

28 Turbo Compressor Control # 2 TURBO ACTUATR2 TurboActuator2

29 Signal Input Fuel System EXT FUEL INPUT Ext Fuel INPUT



32 Turbocharger Bypass Valve Driver WASTEGATEDRVR WASTEGATE Drvr

MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 33 - 64

33 Operation Air Clutch FANCLTCH DRV Fan Clutch Drv

34 Exhaust Pressure Sensor EXH PRESSENSOR Exh Press Sens


MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 33 - 64

35 Exh Pressure Control Solenoid EXH PRES SOL Exh Press Sol

36 Lamp Glow Plug Systems GLOWPLUGLAMP Glow PLUG LAMP

37 Power Relay DRV UNITPWRRLY Power Relay

38 Relay Glow Plug Systems GLOWPLUGRELAY GlowPLUG Relay

39 Starter Relays STARTER RELAY Starter Relay

40 Additional Input Driver # 2 AUXOUT DRIVER2 Auxout Driver2

41 ECM 8-Volt Power Supply ECM 8VDC SUPLY ECM 8VDC

42 Injector Pressure Regulator INJ PRES REG Inj Press REG

43 AUTOSHFTHI GR HIGH Gear Act High Gear Control

44 AutoShift Low Gear Regulator AUTOSHFTLO GR Low Gear Act.

45 AUTOSHFTNTL GR Neutral Act Neutral Transmission Regulator

46 AutoShift Earth Chain (minus) AUTOSHFTCOMLO Common

47 Injector # 17 CYL 17 INJECTR Cyl 17 Injectr

48 Injector # 18 CYL 18 INJECTR Cyl 18 Injectr

49 Injector # 19 CYL 19 INJECTR Cyl 19 Injectr

50 Injector # 20 CYL 20 INJECTR Cyl 20 Injectr

51 AUXOUT DRIVER3 Auxout Driver3 Auxiliary Input Driver # 3

52 Additional Input Driver # 4 AUXOUT DRIVER4 Auxout Driver4

53 Additional Input Driver # 5 AUXOUT DRIVER5 Auxout Driver5

54 Additional Input Driver # 6 AUXOUT DRIVER6 Auxout Driver6

55 Additional Input Driver # 7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 Auxout Driver7

56 Additional Input Driver # 8 AUXOUT DRIVER8 Auxout Driver8

57 Optional PWM # 1 AUX PWM DRVR 1 Aux PWM Drvr 1

58 Optional PWM # 2 AUX PWM DRVR 2 Aux PWM Drvr 2

59 Optional PWM # 3 AUX PWM DRVR 3 Aux PWM Drvr 3

60 Optional PWM # 4 AUX PWM DRVR 4 Aux PWM Drvr 4

61 Valve Mixed Formation VAR SWIRL VALV Swirl Valve

62 Prestroke Sensor PRESTROKE SNSR PreStroke Snsr

63 Prestroke Actuator PRESTROKE ACTR PreStroke actr

64 Engine Speed Sensor # 2 SPEED SENSOR2 SPEED Sensor 2

MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 65 - 78


65 OXYGEN SENSOR - † Oxygen Sensor

MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 65 - 78


66 Combustion Control Signal IG MODE SIGNAL - †

67 Combustion Distribution Signal IG TIME SIGNAL - †

68 Second Input Pressure Turbocharger TURBO PRSSRE 2 - †

69 Aftercooler Temperature ACOC COOL TEMP - †

70 Inlet air heating # 1 - † - †

71 Heated inlet air # 2 - † - †

72 Injector # 21 CYL 21 INJECTR - †

73 Injector # 22 CYL 22 INJECTR - †

74 Injector # 23 CYL 23 INJECTR - †

75 Injector # 24 CYL 24 INJECTR - †

76 Knock Sensor KNOCK SENSOR - †

77 Gas Control Valve GASMETER VALVE - †

78 Fuel Pump Control Engine - † - †

MID 136 Subsystem Codes ABS 1 - 14

1 ABS Sensor, 1st Axis, Left (Front) WH SNSR AXL 1L Wh Snsr Axl 1L

2 ABS Sensor, 1st Axis, Right (Front) WH SNSR AXL 1R Wh Snsr Axl 1R

3 ABS Sensor, 2nd Axis, Left (Middle) WH SNSR AXL 2L Wh Snsr Axl 2L

4 ABS Sensor, 2nd Axis, Right (Middle) WH SNSR AXL 2R Wh Snsr Axl 2R

5 ABS Sensor, 3rd Axis, Left (Rear) WH SNSR AXL 3L Wh Snsr Axl 3L

6 ABS Sensor, 3rd Axis, Right (Rear) WH SNSR AXL 3R Wh Snsr Axl 3R

7 ABS Modulator, 1st Axis, Left (Front) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. Valve A1L

8 ABS Modulator, 1st Axis, Right (Front) PRSMOD VLV A1R Mod. Valve A1R

9 ABS Modulator, 2nd Axis, Left (Middle) PRSMOD VLV A2L Mod. Valve A2L

10 ABS Modulator, 2nd Axis, Right (Middle) PRSMOD VLV A2R Mod. Valve A2R

11 ABS Modulator, 3rd Axis, Left (Rear) PRSMOD VLV A3L Mod. Valve a3l

12 ABS Modulator, 3rd Axis, Right (Rear) PRSMOD VLV A3R Mod. Valve a3r

13 Motor Brake Relay RTDR CNTRL RLY Rtdr Cntrl Rly

14 Relays, Diagonal Voltage 1 RLAY DIAGONAL1 Relay DIAG. one

MID 136 Subsystem Codes ABS 15 - 47

15 Relays, Diagonal Voltage 2 RLAY DIAGONAL2 Relay DIAG. 2

16 Switch ABS ABS MODE SWTCH ABS Mode Swtch

17 ASR Switch ASR MODE SWTCH ASR Mode Swtch

18 Valve DIF 1-ASR ASR DIF1 VALVE ASR Dif1 Valve

19 Valve DIF 2-ASR ASR DIF2 VALVE ASR Dif2 Valve

20 Pneumatic Control Engine PNEU ENG CNTRL Pneu ENG Cntrl

21 Electrical Control Engine ELEC ENG CNTRL Elec ENG Cntrl




25 Average Speed ABS Front Axle Sensors SENSOR AX1 AVG Sensor AX1 AVG

26 Average Speed Sensors ABS Front Gear SENSOR AX2 AVG Sensor AX2 AVG

27 Average Speed Sensor ABS Rear Gear SENSOR AX3 AVG Sensor AX3 AVG

28 Valve Modulator ABS for PRSSRMODDRVAXL Mod Modules, Relay Valve

29 ABS Valve Pressure Sensor for PRSSRXDCDRVAXL Trans, Relay Vlv Gearboxes

30 Main Relay Control System ABS MASTER RELAY Master Relay

31 Trailer Front Axle, Left Brake, Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

32 Trailer Front Axle, Right Brake, Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

33 Trailer Rear Axle, Left Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

34 Trailer Front Axle, Right Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

35 Front Axle Tractor, Left Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

36 Front Axle Tractor, Right Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

37 Front Tractor Reducer, Left Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

38 Front Tractor Reducer, Right Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

39 Rear Tractor Reducer, Left Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

40 Rear Tractor Reducer, Right Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

41 Suspension Height Relays - † - †

42 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 1 Left - † - †

43 Holding Solenoid Valve — Axis 1 Right - † - †

44 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 2 Left - † - †

45 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 2 Right - † - †

46 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 3 Left - † - †

47 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 3 Right - † - †

MID 136 Subsystem Codes ABS 48 - 80

SID Description Old Text Message New Text Message *

48 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 1 Left — † - †

49 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 1 Right - † - †

50 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 2 Left — † - †

51 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 2 Right - † - †

52 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 3 Left — † - †

53 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 3 Right — † - †

54 Hydraulic Pump Motor - † - †

55 Brake Light Switch 1 - † - †

56 Brake Light Switch 2 - † - †

57 Electrical Pressure Control, 1st Axis - † - †

58 Spare System Pressure Control, Axis 1 - † - †

59 Brake Pressure, Axis 1 - † - †

60 Electrical Pressure Control, 2nd Axis - † - †

61 Spare System Pressure Control, Axis 2 - † - †

62 Brake Pressure, Axis 2 - † - †

63 Electrical Brake Adjustment, Axis 3 - † - †

64 Electric Pressure Control, 3rd Axis - † - †

65 Brake Pressure, Axle 3 - † - †

66 Electrical Brake Adjustment, Trailer - † - †

67 Pneumatic Brake Control, Trailer - † - †

68 Brake Pressure, Trailer - † - †

69 Axle Load Sensor - † - †

70 Pad Thickness Gauge — Axis 1 Left - † - †

71 Block Thickness Gauge — Axis 1 Right - † - †

72 Thickness Gauge Block — Axis 2 Left - † - †

73 Thickness Gauge Block — Axis 2 Right - † - †

74 Thickness Gauge Block — Axis 3 Left - † - †

75 Thickness Gauge Block — Axis 3 Right - † - †

76 Transmitter Brake Signal - † - †

77 Sensor Signal Braking # 1 - † - †

78 Sensor Signal Braking # 2 - † - †

79 Wheel Size - † - †

80 Machine Braking Control - † - †

Common Subsystem Codes (SIDs for any MIDs) 154 - 248

154 System Diagnostic Code # 4 - † - †

155 System Diagnostic Code # 5 - † - †

219 Burn Indicator † - - †

220 Electrical Connection Tractor / Trailer (ISO 11992) - † - †

221 Supply Voltage for Sensors - † - †

222 PROTECT Lamp - † - †

223 Brightness Sensor - † - †

224 Alarm - † - †

225 Yellow Lamp - † - †

226 Gearbox Transmission Sensor - † - †

227 Additional Input # 1 - † - †

228 High Pressure Switch HI PRES SWITCH HI Pres SW

229 Kickdown Switch - † - †

230 Idle Confirmation Switch - † - †

231 SAE Circuit J1939 - † - †

232 5-Volt DC Power Supply - † - †

233 Driver # 2 - † - †

234 “ON” Parking Brake Mechanism - † - †

235 “OFF” Parking Brake Mechanism - † - †

236 Power Connection Device - † - †

237 Combustion Connection Device - † - †

238 Diagnostic Lamp - Red - † - †

239 Diagnostic Lamp - Yellow - † - †

240 Memory - † - †

242 Cruise RESUME - † - † Switch

243 Cruise SET Switch - † - †

244 Cruise ENABLE Switch - † - †

245 Clutch Pedal Switch # 1 - † - †

246 Brake Pedal Switch # 1 - † - †

247 Brake Pedal Switch # 2 - † - †

248 OEM Diagnostic Circuit - † - †

Comments: 2
  • #2

    Winston (Sunday, 30 April 2023 14:31)

    I've had nearly everything replaced relating to 2016 Freightliner Cascadia DD15 for code SPN 3464 FMI 16. The code reappears after 50-100 miles after it is off. I need to research all causes of the code. We're overlooking something.

  • #1

    matthew helmick (Wednesday, 22 June 2022)

    need fault codes